Creating a complex world caught between daydream and dating.

Creating a complex world caught between
daydream and dating.

The Girl and the Dreamcatcher
Music Video

Leveraging social video to develop motion picture marketing campaigns.

Leveraging social video to develop motion
picture marketing campaigns.

Lionsgate Digital Video Creative

Driving broadcast tune-in, digital views, and NBC app downloads with social video strategy.

Driving broadcast tune-in, digital views,
and NBC app downloads with social video strategy.

SNL YouTube Creative

Re-branding the leader in video targeting.

Re-branding the leader in video targeting.

Zefr Re-brand

Digital video strategy to drive engagement and broadcast tune-in.

Digital video strategy to drive engagement
and broadcast tune-in.

Social Video

Building out a global broadcast campaign to push digital viewership.

Building out a global broadcast campaign
to push digital viewership.

Disney "Watch" Campaign

Designing the re-brand for E! Network’s show  The Soup with Joel McHale.

Designing the re-brand for E! Network’s show 
The Soup with Joel McHale.

The Soup

Creating stadium-sized content and visual effects for a world-wide tour.

Creating stadium-sized content and visual effects
for a world-wide tour.

Bruno Mars
Live Tour

Digital creative supporting tentpole events, indie films and broadcast content.

Digital creative supporting tentpole events, indie films and broadcast content.

AMC Networks
Digital Strategy

Bringing the world of Tron to the stage for Steve Aoki's global tour.

Bringing the world of Tron to the stage for Steve Aoki's global tour.

Stage Design
for Steve Aoki

Digital strategy and content creation to support tentpole events, series launches, and a theatrical releases for Hasbro properties.

Digital strategy and content creation to support tentpole events, series launches, and a theatrical releases for Hasbro properties.

Hasbro Studios
Digital Strategy

Branding bumpers for Disney Channel's Saturday Morning block.

Branding bumpers for Disney Channel's Saturday Morning block.

Disney Channel
Identity Bumpers

Using digital advertising to shape a broadcast campaign.

Using digital advertising to shape a broadcast campaign.

Beats by Dr. Dre
Pills Campaign

Teaching media buyers about contextual targeting through interactive illustrations.

Teaching media buyers about contextual targeting through interactive illustrations.

Power of Relevance Microsite

Branding a new program for Radio Disney.

Branding a new program for Radio Disney.

Branding Radio
Disney Insider

Directing and designing in all forms of video.

Directing and designing in all forms of video.

My Reel

Visualizing machine learning.

Visualizing machine learning.

Zefr Technology

Last minute stage design for a surprise Arcade Fire show on top of the Capitol Records building.

Last minute stage design for a surprise Arcade Fire show on top of the Capitol Records building.

Stage Design for
Arcade Fire
